A Native Gathering

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Among the tribes of the North, assemblies were frequent and decisive, yet festive and joyous. Native gatherings among tribal members, especially friendly tribal societies, matters concerning politics, social status, structure, location, in fact all social concerns were discussed at length, with all tribal members adhering to the final decisions agreed upon.

Following these assemblies, festivities such as intended marriages, between tribal members, births, victories at raids, hunts, etc were elaborate and lengthy celebrations with song, dance and a wide variety of food and drinks. The smoking of tobacco and consuming of local brews were widely indulged.

In 2017, Southern Mas Associates will create the assembling for the festivities, the aftermath of the serious discussions, on the street on San Fernando. The costumes were produced by band members with the use of local and foreign materials. The native drumming and songs are being replaced by soca and high powered systems, all blending to create a scenario of native festivity, a native gathering with a true Trini flavor.